News Letter



New Publications and Videos

"National evaluation policies for sustainable and equitable development; How to integrate gender equality and social equity in national evaluation policies and systems" available online.

Please check MyM&E website for EvalPartners other publications.

"Declaring EvalYear at the EES conference "video created by Esteban Tapella from ReLAC.

"EES conference experience in Dublin "video created by Tessie Catsambas from AEA.

UNEG Highlevel meeting held in New York in July 2014, video on speeches made at the event on evaluation

New Studies

Parliamentarians Forum for Dev Evaluation with support from EvalPartners/ IOCE has started two interesting studies: 1) document 4-5 equity focused and gender responsive M&E systems and 2) update the "Mapping National Evaluation Policies" study. Ms. Katerina Stolyarenko and Dr. Barbara Rosenstein have undertaken the assignments respectively. The final products will enhance the equity focused and gender responsive evaluation systems discussion. Both consultants started on 15th November for two months and please share useful information with them.

EvalYear Updates

RFE joined declaring 2015 as International Year of Evaluation. The declaration was made on 28th October at the 1st RFE conference held in Dakar, Senegal.

EvalYear logo was translated to Catalan language.

New members of EvalPartners

UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund

DEval, the German Institute for Development Evaluation, official German governmental agency with responsibility of evaluating all German development cooperation

VOPE news

Brazilian Monitoring and Evaluation Network was launched in November, during the 6th BMEN Annual Seminar. This is a result of the EvalPartners supported Peer to Peer project # 24.

4th Forum of the M&E Network Philippines was held on 13th November in Manila.

Editorial: Shaping the Future of Evaluation

Importance of evaluation is highlighted widely and globally as we are going through key milestones including upcoming United Nations resolution on evaluation, declaring International Year of Evaluation 2015, developing Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020. Parliamentarians have become a key player in mainstreaming evaluation. All these strong pillars of enabling environment for evaluation needs to be further strengthened. As evaluators and professional organizations, we all have a role to play in this regard.

Marco Segone and Natalia Kosheleva, EvalPartners Co-chairs

Global EvalYear Event in Kathmandu

Global EvalYear Event will be held at the Parliament of Nepal which includes EvalYear celebration, launch of Global Parliamentarians Forum for Development Evaluation, launch of Global Evaluation Agenda and launch of EvalGender initiative. It will be held from 30 November - 4 December 2015 and jointly organized by EvalPartners, International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE), Independent Evaluation Office of UN Women, Community of Evaluators - South Asia (CoE-SA) and Parliamentarians Forum for Development Evaluation (PFDE). The five days proposed programme includes CoE- SA evaluation conclave, EvalPartners Global Forum and Management Group meetings and EvalYear main ceremony at the parliament. EvalPartners Global Forum and Management Group meetings are for VOPE leaders and the main EvalYear celebration at the Parliament and CoE - SA evaluation conclave are open for all the interested delegates.

UN Resolution on Building Capacity for Evaluation

United Nations draft resolution on “Building capacity for evaluation of development activities at the country level” was successfully tabled marking a great achievement in the history of evaluation. The resolution will enable member states to create demand for and use of evaluation at national level leading to evaluation culture. The draft resolution was tabled on 5th of November in the UN GA Second Committee. Many countries came together and co-sponsored the resolution. National and regional VOPEs lobbied respective governments to support for the resolution. It is hoped to have the official resolution soon where VOPEs have an important role to play together with governments in mainstreaming evaluation. 

Uganda National Parliamentarians Forum

Uganda national parliamentarians' network for development evaluation, a Chapter of African Parliamentarians Network for Development Evaluation (APNODE), with 30 members was created. This is the first ever national parliamentarians' network for evaluation in Africa. The network conducted a workshop on M &E for parliamentarians, public sector and local government. The network came up with a work plan where targeted evaluations can be demanded. They also demanded for the office of the Prime Minister to make periodic reports to the members of parliament on the evaluation and the recommendations by the evaluators. The network is also part of the evaluation subcommittee which is preparing for the EvalYear activities including Evaluation Week to be held in the second week of March 2015 together with the M&E unit in the office of the Prime Minister and National Evaluation Association. Congratulations to the Uganda network for the important move.

Engendering National Evaluation Policies

EvalPartners' latest publication "National evaluation policies for sustainable and equitable development; How to integrate gender equality and social equity in national evaluation policies and systems" is now available online. The book is co-authored by Michael Bamberger, Marco Segone and Shravanti Reddy. This will be a great resource to integrate gender equality and social equity in existing and upcoming national evaluation policies. Please check MyM&E website for EvalPartners other publications.

EvalYear Events Planned for 2015

A series of evaluation conferences and events highlighting International Year of Evaluation have been planned around the world. Following are the scheduled events known to EvalPartners. We would appreciate information about any other event you are planning for.

Evaluation Week organized by IAMR and Planning Commission of India to be held from 19-23 January 2015 in Delhi, India; EvalMENA Conference to be held in Cairo, Egypt, from 23-26 February 2015; Latin-American and Caribbean Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization Network (RELAC) 4th International Conference to be held in Lima, Peru, from 9-13 March 2015; United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) evaluation week to be held in New York, USA, from  9-13 March 2015; UK Evaluation Society Conference to be held in London, UK on 13 and 14 May 2015; Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) conference to be held in Montreal, Canada, from 24-27 May 2015; SEVAL-GEN evaluation conference on 3 and 4 September 2015; Australasian Evaluation Society (AES) conference to be held in Melbourne, Australia, in September 2015; International Programme Evaluation Network (IPEN) conference to be held in the last week of September 2015; National Evaluation Capacities conference and IDEAS Global Assembly to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, in October 2015; American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference to be held in Chicago, USA, from 7-15 November 2015.

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